
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Romance Lessons Every Man Should Learn from Fred Astaire

Keri Withington
Fri Nov 19, 12:17 pm ET

Whether you are single and dating around, in a new relationship, or celebrating your golden wedding anniversary, you can always use a little more romance in your life. Whether you want to get the girl or impress the one that you have, you can learn something from Fred Astaire's classic movie Top Hat. Here are love lessons every man should learn from Fred in this movie.

1. Be confident, but not arrogant. Fred Astaire was not an attractive man; he was short and looked middle aged from his 20s. Yet he played the romantic lead in dozens of movies that were the blockbusters of his day. Learn from this. You do not have to look like Brad Pitt to attract girls' attention.

2. Dance with her. If you are a good dancer, then there's no excuse to avoid this one. However, she'll appreciate the gesture even if you can't dance. It doesn't have to be anywhere fancy, either. Light a few candles in the living room, put on a Norah Jones or Frank Sinatra CD, and ask her to dance. She'll like the romantic gesture, and who knows where a slow dance will lead?

Also, a great gift would be professional dance lessons for the two of you.

In Top Hat, Ms. Freemont (Ginger Rogers) is not interested in him at first. In fact, she's annoyed when he dances solo, and even when he tries to rescue her from a rainstorm. Yet the moment that the two of them start dancing together, it's magical.

3. Be persistent, but not overwhelming. If she doesn't seem interested at first, don't give up, but do back off a little.

Be dependable.

4. Send her flowers, especially when she's not expecting them. In the film, when she checks out of the hotel, the cleaners are shown clearing out a room full of flowers. You don't have to make it a regular event, but every once and awhile bring her flowers "just because". Also, learn what type of flowers she likes.

5. Don't be afraid to commit. Before they've even been on a real date, Fred Astaire declares that he's going to marry her one day. You don't need to make up your mind that quickly, but you should believe in the potential of your relationship. If you really want romance and love the woman you're with, then you need to be willing to make (and keep) commitments.

If you want more great romance ideas, watch the movie for yourself. Watching an old black and white musical may not seem like the ideal night in for most men, but invite your date/girlfriend/wife to watch it with you.

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