
Friday, November 19, 2010

New Testimonial Videos! | Blog | Fred Astaire Tampa Bay

New Testimonial Videos! Blog Fred Astaire Tampa Bay


  1. It is very interesting that you have an article on your current page about controversy over the DWTStars and Bristol Palin being in the finals.

    When I remarked in many of my last articles for you that DWTS was not true ballroom dancing as featured in most dance studios and that it did not encourage people to go out and dance you said you no longer wanted my articles.

    My articles encouraged seniors, not yet seniors and soon to be dancers regardless of age to go out and learn to dance whether in a class with others which is less expensive or private lessons if one can afford them.

    The true soon to be dancer needs inspiration and a boost to their minds and body to go out and learn to dance.My articles are printed all over the world in various blogs, websites and magazines and I am noted by thousands from my email responses that I, Elita Sohmer Clayman was the one who gave them the courage and I mean courage to start a dance hobby.

    You saw fit to thank me for my contributions which I gave to you freely without compensation. My only compensation was that I helped people to decide to take on this spirit of ballroom dance.

    I am sorry that now you realize that shows such as DWTS does not promote ballroom dance it promotes unequal phone voting and lots of deterrents to people who want to learn to dance.

    You had a jewel in me who wrote for you without too many compliments from you or even some email applause.
    Elita Sohmer Clayman
    Baltimore, Md.

  2. Elita,
    I'm a new copywriter for Fred Astaire Dance Studios. I was unaware of your past articles. Thank you very much for your past contributions.
    - Bill Dusty
