Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Fred Astaire Dance Studios: Our Wish to You for the New Year

While I dance I can not judge, I can not hate, I can not separate myself from life.  I can only be joyful and whole. This is why I dance. - Hans Bos 

Dancing is just discovery, discovery, discovery. - Martha Graham

Discovering Joy Today and in Every New Year to Come

Dancing is a sport/art form/exercise/pasttime. 
It defies definition.

It is a paradox.

It is a prescription for healing without medicine.
It is freeing, not confining, though it constantly re-shapes.
It restores and re-vitalizes without a single smudge of makeup.
Carefully applied, it makes things whole again.

Dancing enlarges life
and the soul,
And its thrills last forever,
like memories of a bicycle ride, flying.

People together
beneath warm, bright lights
focus on learning
a new Dance of Life.
And from their efforts
discover a harmony 
that blends inside with out,
one they never thought was there.
The dancer who’s been properly taught
to think carefully about their steps
May then forget them all
to move joyfully and wholly,
with no second thoughts,
with respect for everyone around them, 
into what the next dance brings.

This word that defies the world's definitions
can define the world instead.

It can make it a better place. 

Wishing each of our dear Fred Astaire family members and the whole wide world a New Year filled with the benefits of dancing! 

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