Tuesday, March 19, 2013

'I've learned to be respectful to others': The Rewards of Ballroom Dancing for Kids (In honor of Fred Astaire Dance Studios teachers)

Last November's hard-copy version of inStep featured an article by Andrea Bisconti about an annual marathon at her studio, FADS, Willoughby, Ohio, that supported the 'Dancing Classrooms' project to benefit local schools. This great project is also supported by other Fred Astaire Dance Studios.

Andrea's story comes to mind every time there's something in the news related to the burdens too many students bear as they face their morning walk through the schoolhouse doors. Simply put, they have too many worries: from not fitting in, to having the 'wrong' clothes, to being bullied or worse. Many kids have poor self-esteem, as well as poor peer relationships. They suffer from a lack of focus and a lack of respect for others.
 It's hard not to think, 'Gee, maybe ballroom dancing should be available to all kids, considering the amazing things it does for them.' With improved social skills, higher levels of confidence, enhanced academic performances and better peer relationships, the benefits of ballroom are not only significant — they're timely and appropriate.

So, here's a link to a great article (and video) about 'Dancing Classrooms,' and how ballroom dancing can really help kids. It was written by Jennifer Smith Richards for The Columbus Dispatch last month. It's posted here in honor of all the great FADS dance teachers who put their hearts and souls into making life better for people everywhere, one dance at a time.

Thank you for all you do.

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